When you want to make deep and lasting changes to your health and happiness, you don’t have to do it alone
When you’ve got a niggling sense of discontent or some restrictive health issues, it’s no fun.
You’ve given plenty of things a go, trying to identify what’s wrong and desperately looking for what’s right. Now’s the time find out what works for you – both straight away and in the longer term. I never even consider one-size-fits-all answers; my natural approach and my training teach me to carefully and methodically work through the many options available and settle on the best fit for you.
Whatever your situation, I can help you work through your current stress or discomfort, relieve them as much as possible in the short term, and then find and stay on a path of whole health and joy.
Over just 90 days, this one-to-one programme will help you change what needs to change.
The transformation
When life is hard, unfulfilling or physically painful, the natural response is to turn away from what’s difficult. Numbing emotions or getting far away from the situation seems sensible.
But perhaps you already sense that what’s showing up as difficulty is simply a garbled message you’ve not yet heard. Perhaps it’s a deeply-held urge to open up to life, to live more expansively, generously and connectedly. Once you hear to this, the energy you’ve been using to ignore or suppress it is free to use more positively. In short, life changes.
In this programme, I’ll help you do the counter-intuitive and ultimately more rewarding thing: turn towards the difficulties, explore them kindly, and then take the usually small day-to-day actions that combine to create a life of greater flow, confidence and fulfilment.

The exact content will depend on your needs. Options include:
- Happiness coaching
- Managing stress-induced health problems, such as anxiety, depression, a bad back, IBS
- Other health concerns, such as cardio-vascular problems, back pain or diabetes
- Learning invaluable skills to respond wholeheartedly to life, such as a personalized yoga practice, mindfulness meditation, relating well to yourself and other people, and increasing self-confidence
During this transformative programme we’ll look at the difficulties afresh, we’ll explore them with curiosity to see what they might really be showing, and become very clear on what you want instead. We’ll then build a 90-day plan to inspire you, help you take measured and consistent action towards your goals, create a safe space in which to meet whatever is emerging, and say ‘hello’ to the new you.
What's included
We find out the lay of the land in detail with a pre-programme questionnaire. It’s wide-ranging so that we can clearly set out what’s showing up on the surface and begin to highlight what’s lying underneath. This will get us off to a fabulous start.
Then we’ll explore your situation in depth during a half-day session dedicated to you. We’ll do this either in-person in a restful Surrey (UK) hotel or via Skype. On the back of this session, you’ll have a plan for the next 90 days covering your specific concerns.
To keep you on track, to monitor things as they change, and to focus on the new things that will inevitably emerge, we’ll have 10 online sessions of up to 45-minutes each. We’ll also get to celebrate the inspired action you’ll have taken and the new ways in which you’re truly enjoying life.
I’ll also give you resources to keep you inspired, motivated and in love with the newly-emerging you. There’ll be meditations, mini-courses, audios and books to thoroughly support your goals.
Your investment: £1,800
Clarity call
Are you interested in working with me? Here's how to get started:
Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. You can do that right here:
Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of coaching with me.
Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.
Step 4. At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll consult! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit before you commit.
Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.
Have questions? Email me.