You’ve undoubtedly heard of at least one person who’s had an apparently miraculous healing from cancer. People who become healthy again after finding themselves in a terrible situation
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Reclaim Your Day of Rest
Jo 18/08/2015What were Sundays like when you were a kid? Whatever you got up to, my guess is that they were slightly more restful than they are today. Now you can shop, go to museums, sign up for family fun days, or binge on box sets. You’re as spoilt for choice on Sunday as you are on Monday to Saturday.
But was making the traditional day of rest just like every other day of the week such a good idea?
read moreSleep easiest by knowing your life’s on track
Jo 10/06/2015Is sleep still elusive? Here’s some great news: there is a way to virtually guarantee that we’ll always be able to sleep, hardly ever feel tired and have almost boundless energy, and that’s to live a meaningful life and take care of ourselves.
read moreDiscovering your superpowers
Jo 01/01/2015“If you could be a superhero, which one would you be?”
That’s what the teacher asked on the first day of my yoga teacher training programme. Didn’t see that question coming.
read more3 ways your feet can wake you up
Jo 29/10/2014Ever ‘woken up’ in the middle of a conversation and realized you don’t know what was being said? Or arrived at a familiar place and not remembered how you got there?
read more5 reasons you feel better after yoga
Jo 12/11/2013People often come to a yoga class feeling stressed and less than impressed with themselves and their world. Afterwards, it’s a completely different story as they walk out feeling grounded and floaty, relaxed and in control, optimistic and realistic.
But why?
read moreMindfulness is a buzzword that’s inescapable right now. So much so that even if we haven’t explored it in any great detail, we can probably have a good stab at saying what we think it is. Or perhaps, precisely because it’s everywhere, we’re fed up with it and gloss over it.
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